Monday, February 13, 2012

One more try!

I've decided that it's worth it for me to jot down a few thoughts every now and again; if not for other's benefit, then for my own and my family's. Lately my life has been in complete upheaval and I have found myself relying again and again on my new-found strength. There have been many times where I have found myself wondering if I could be the pillar of strength so desperately needed during this difficult time in my boys life. After all, that's just what they are: little boys. Little boys who I love more than I could ever describe. But, every day, somehow or other I have made it through, making sure to celebrate the little victories. Just yesterday may have seemed like the most ordinary Sunday to most: I woke up, got the chicken in the crockpot, helped my husband get our boys dressed and the four of us off to church, returning to a home smelling of the perfect after-church meal smell, and later making brownies which we shared with our darling neighbors. To me; however, yesterday was a gigantic victory. I awoke feeling well, not groggy from my numerous medications; I stood up, after rolling on my silicone liners and forcing what's left of my legs into prosthetics; I readied the chicken for the crockpot, doing so without fingers; we got off to church, on time and without me feeling like I was drowning in my own sweat; returned home, being awake and alert enough to prepare dinner; and finally making brownies, and walking to my neighbors and back without having to sit down once because of my prosthetic pain!
I relate this story, not to gain any pity or congratulations, but to remind myself (and possibly others) that it is in the small, everyday moments that we find the most joy. I was able to accomplish things yesterday that, three years ago, seemed absolutely impossible. And I was able to do those things all while contemplating the wonder of that love that we, as mothers, have for our children. I was able to fully appreciate the sweet glances from my hubby that both of us knew meant more than a full dictionary could describe. those who are struggling, which I'm learning is practically everyone, find your happiness in places you never thought to look!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your strength and inspiration! You know how I feel...words cannot express! Hope you have many more of those perfect Sundays! Love you!
