Monday, June 7, 2010

My First Talk!

Well-I did it! My first official talk on what happened to me in January 2009. How did it go? Well, that all depends on who you ask-if you ask my darling parents or all-to-biased hubby, I did phenomenally. If you ask one of the several hundred youth, I did pretty good. If you ask me, it bordered on terrible! Ever since I was in the coma, I have struggled with getting my words from my mind and out of my mouth in the correct order. I tend to stutter and fumble over my words which is an oddity because I have never stuttered in all of my life! The doctors are not sure if its from being in the coma or a result of some of the medications I'm on. Nevertheless; its insanely frustrating. I know that the Spirit was there, but I know that my message would have come across more effectively if the audience wasn't worried that I would completely lose control of my language skills! Del Parsons was the speaker before me and his message and his art were strong enough to bring an incredible Spirit into the group. I know his art very well but I was unaware of his story. To sum it up: he was a painter of portraits until he lost his wife and his daughter in an awful car accident. After that; because of a very sacred occurrance, he started painting art of the spiritual nature. He said that, as hard as it was to go through that, there was a moment that he felt completely encompassed by the Holy Spirit and he wanted to create art that evoked that feeling of love! It was incredible. I felt so honored to be present. I just hope and pray that in my next talk I will be able to deliver the message I want to without stumbling over my words.


  1. Dear Jeane: You may not remember me except that I am a Radebaugh. . .but I thought that I would let you know that I am stalking you. :) I have been keeping up on your journey through my parents. Jeane, the stuff you have had to go through is insane. I am so sorry. It must be so hard to stay positive. I'm sure you must grief for all that you have lost. But I hope that you know that you are an inspiration to me. The fact that you have gone through so much, and you are starting a blog and speaking to youth about your journey. . .gives me hope. Thank you for being you. Number one rule of writing your blog. . .Don't always feel like you can only write when you are positive or have something enlightening to say. We all want to know your struggles too. It's what makes us honest. Good luck Jeane. My prayers have been and will always be with you.

  2. Jeane! Everyone can feel the spirit when they are in a room with you. My testimony has been strengthened from witnessing your strength, courage, and faith. You are meant for great things and to share your story. I am sure it was amazing!! I have no doubt that you inspired all who were there! I would love to hear you speak next time. LOVE YOU! Kerilyn

  3. Thanks so much for sharing. You are an inspiration to me. I admire you so much. Your Mom told us a little about your speech last Sunday. I think I will side with your Mom about how the delivery came across! : > I know you delivered an outstanding address. You have such an amazing spirit about you that even if you did say the exact words perfectly, the spirit conveyed the message brilliantly. We send you love and wish you joy each day. Terry (and Lance)
